Faith is the product of a whole host of cognitive errors . . .
- Conformation bias: Only acknowledging information that supports what you already believe while ignoring any and all information that's inconvenient or counter to your preconceptions.
- Personal bias: Thinking that your positions are solid simply because you hold them or because such a position is necessary for you to maintain internal congruence.
- Conclusions before evidence: Having a firmly staked out position without knowing any of the facts or principles necessary to arrive at a conclusion.
- Intellectual dishonesty: Willfully failing to follow the evidence where it leads or failing to address any facts that would undermine your existing positions.
- Availability error: Having your perceptions distorted by the human tendency to remember seemingly meaningful outcomes while forgetting outcomes you didn't realize were actually important.
- Intellectual laziness: Preferring one conclusion over another purely because it's simpler for you to understand or because it doesn't require any research.
. . . just to name a few.